Developing a program between our business and local logging operations to seed native plants in logging sets. Love Creek Farms will provide prepared packages of wildflower and native grass seeds to be sown in selected sets associated with the project. These plants will not only be aesthetically pleasing, but will also attract important pollinators like bees and butterflies. An additional benefit will be to create patches of natural vegetation for local wildlife such as bobwhite quail, songbirds, small mammals, and a host of other species who thrive on native habitats.
The following 10 species were selected to seed the logging sets; Purple Coneflower, Indian Blanket, Lance Leaved Coreopsis, Plains Coreopsis, Maximilian Sunflower, Black-eyed Susan, Yarrow, Purple Prairie Clover, Indian Grass, & Switch Grass. Our selections were based on growth rates, hardiness, attractiveness to pollinators, and visual appeal. We hope that with some soil preparation post logging, these plants will quickly germinate, root, and spread to create a beautiful little oasis in the foreground of the thinned timber.
In case you are not familiar with logging terms and procedures, here is a quick overview:
One of three sites being prepared and seeded that day. Hunter-Wasson plans to seed around 60 sites this year to get our program started. We cannot wait to see the results and will post updates.